Welcome to Barley Monks Photography! Hey, I’m Nick and I created Barley Monks because photography of kids and families being their absolute chaotic selves is something I love being able to offer.

I’m not going to bore you with talking about myself in the third person. I’d rather just be myself and hopefully by doing so you get more of an insight into who I am, and my photography style, which is fun, chaotic, candid, creative, natural and modern.

If you’re thinking “Barley Monks… that’s a weird name…” then let me tell you how it came about. The name came from the nicknames I use for my kids. ‘Charlie Barley’ for my little girl and the boys are ‘Monkey’ or ‘Monks’… Plus it’s a bit of a conversation starter.

Take a look around, see if you like what I’ve got to offer and if you do, I’d love to hear from you.

Barley Monks Photography

Welcome to Barley Monks Photography! Hey, I’m Nick and I created Barley Monks because photography of kids and families being their absolute chaotic selves is something I love being able to offer.

I’m not going to bore you with talking about myself in the third person. I’d rather just be myself and hopefully by doing so you get more of an insight into who I am, and my photography style, which is fun, chaotic, candid, creative, natural and modern.

If you’re thinking “Barley Monks… that’s a weird name…” then let me tell you how it came about. The name came from the nicknames I use for my kids. ‘Charlie Barley’ for my little girl and the boys are ‘Monkey’ or ‘Monks’… Plus it’s a bit of a conversation starter.

Take a look around, see if you like what I’ve got to offer and if you do, I’d love to hear from you.

About Me

Who Am I?

Hey, I'm Nick

I'm a father of 4 insane children and love it! Chaos is just the norm in our family, so much so that it feels weird if I'm not walking around the house with someone hitching a ride on my leg, or having my eye lids pushed open while I nap on the lounge to check if I'm actually asleep. I love the energy that comes from the chaos and that's why I love being able to capture it.

The Portfolio

My Images

You're my kind of family...

  • If you live in an eternal state of chaos with your kids and love it.
  • When shouting is the normal conversation level for your family.
  • If you believe sleep is for the weak.
  • If chasing down runaway children has become a sport.
  • You're someone who thinks they could never get a family shoot done because your kids are too crazy.

I'm a father of 4 insane children, so I'm well versed in the art of chaos and love it, because that's when the best moments happen.

The Blog

What I've Been Up To


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